Some of us PU2 MS Youth members went on a "road trip" today for the making of the MS Youth video. We gathered at the school Parking lot at 830 am and finished at around 12 noon. We went to:
1. Sg. Akar Rubbish Dump
2. Berakas Beach
3. Bandar Seri Begawan
4. Kg. Ayer
Boat ride at Kg. Ayer
Bury in action (at Berakas Beach)
...and we're here to save the world! haha
Budin, disgusted, witnessing the filth
They risked their lives and approached the deadly Sg. Akar dump
...unlike some people who just stayed in the car (Yes, you're looking at the dump there)
There, we made a short documentary about Brunei and its environment. It was really an interesting experience and we learned a lot (like the fact that the landfill was a really really REALLY huge mountain of rubbish and you could smell it from a distance.) We're currently editing the video and hopefully we get to show it on 12th June 2008 (Environment Day) at the auditorium. So don't miss it =D
Special thanks to our honorary members who helped in contributing to this video/documentary: Fadhil, Daus and Ayub